5 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Facebook Page (Evergreen Guide)

Technology has brought all of us closer together more than ever over the past decade.

The main culprit?

Social Media.

Increasing social media use has made communication and other forms of engagement easier among individuals and organizations.

And one of our go-to platforms in the global community is Facebook, the world’s largest social media network.

Because of Facebook’s large audience base, businesses and brands have taken advantage of it through establishing their presence on the site with a Facebook Page.

By having a Facebook Page, both individuals and organizations can easily share relevant content and reach their target and potential audiences.

If done strategically and successfully, increased brand exposure and an expanded client base
can be the ultimate results.

Creating a Facebook Page is the easy part.

All you have to do is follow a process and upload the right information.

The same goes for gaining your first few Page likes and traffic, assuming you reach out to your primary network composed of your family, friends, and your work colleagues.

The real challenge lies in taking this to the next level and getting more traffic from people outside your network.

How exactly you can make more people visit and engage on your page if you are a business who has a less popular Facebook page or is only starting out?

Here are five ways to get more traffic on your Facebook Page:

1. Use Your Other Social Networks, Blog, or Mailing List to Promote Your Facebook Page:

Using your other social media sites or, E-Mail List is a great way to get more traffic to your Facebook Page.

Are you present on other social networking sites?

Or, do you have a blog?

Chances are you already have existing audience bases on these platforms who may not be aware of your Facebook Page.

Fans of the content you have created on other social networks or your blog will most likely appreciate the posts you have on your Facebook page.

Just make sure to put a call-to-action in place.

It may be through a pinned post or Facebook “Like” and “Share” buttons on your blog.

Another thing that you can do in order to reach out to the audience you have already built is using your mailing list, if you are the type who sends out regular newsletters.

Usually, your mailing list is where you will find your avid supporters (provided you have been engaging with them on a regular basis).

Like your other social networks and blog, there must be a clear call-to-action on the e-mails you send.

Who knows?

The people on your mailing list will not only give you the likes and Facebook page traffic you
need but you may also get a dose of motivation from them when they tell you how much they enjoy your Facebook content and your brand as a whole.

By leveraging on the audience that you already have, numbers on your Facebook Page traffic may
increase in no time.

Related: Top 5 Reasons for Starting Social Media Marketing Right Away (for Beginners)

2. Join Facebook Groups and Participate in Conversations:

Just because you have a Facebook Page does not mean you have to limit yourself to that space alone.

Facebook Groups are great places to find audiences and other organizations that are in the same niche as you.

By joining a Facebook Group whose focus lies on the same interest or niche as yours, you can easily engage with other businesses or individuals who may be interested in the content that you share on your Facebook page.

Remember to join the group using your Facebook page and not your personal Facebook account.

Doing so makes it easier for other members to like and visit your page.

Also, always respect and follow the rules of the group.

Do not post solely for Facebook page promotion purposes or else you may appear spammy to members and they may find you to be a nuisance in the long run.

Always remember to be as human as possible in your Facebook Group interactions like you are supposed to when engaging with your audience.

This way, you can help foster a healthy, interactive discussion with other members which
could drive them to contribute to your Facebook page traffic.

Related: High Performance Digital Entrepreneurs: Introducing Our Brand-New Facebook Mastermind Group (Join Today for FREE)

3. Post Content Regularly at Strategic Times and Days:

Existing alone on Facebook is not enough for your business.

You have to build, maintain, and increase the level of engagement you have with your audience using your content and interactions.

This way, you will be able to build improved relationships with your audience and clients through various social media content along with their peers.

This is also the day when most direct messages are sent.

For more specific information, it is best to check Facebook Insights and also know how to analyze the data being presented to you.

You can then take advantage of this information by using it to get more traffic to your Facebook Page.

Related: Off-Page SEO: 7 Proven Tricks to Give Your Blog a Significant Boost in SERP

4. Always Choose Quality Over Quantity:

You already have content in place.

But do they satisfy the needs and wants of your audience?

During the earlier years of Facebook, businesses on Facebook tried to post as much content as possible in order to increase their Facebook page’s organic reach and hopefully drive traffic on the page itself.

Nowadays, “more” does not necessarily mean “better”.

Your Facebook Page needs to show content that would encourage Facebook users to like, comment, and share to their peers.

This means that you need to captivate your audience first by making content relevant and relatable.

When people see that what you publish affects their day-to-day activities (and even emotions) positively, they are more enticed to interact with your Facebook Page bringing along
their own network with them.

Your audience must see value in what you share in order for them to engage with you regularly and eventually become your loyal fans.

Once you have gained your loyal audience base, do not forget to ask them to select the “See First”
option for your Facebook Page.

This way, they can easily receive notifications from your page and if they like what they see, they can like and share your posts faster to their own network.

The bottom-line of it all is that more than maintaining your daily share of published content, you need to create posts that are highly engaging, “like”-able, and “share”-able.

Remember to make it easy for users to share content by simplifying the entire process on your blog or website.

Related: [Infographic] – Social Media Image Size Guide

5. Do Not Forget to Use Facebook Advertising (And Do It Properly):

Traffic through organic reach is good but still presents you with limited audience exposure.

If you really want your Facebook page to go to greater heights in terms of getting more traffic, you need to be willing to make a budget for Facebook ads.

If you are new with Facebook ads, it may take some time and practice to perfect your strategy.

Some businesses shell out as much as $30 to reach a large number of users but there are those who may only spend about $10 but still yield their desired results.

Also, take note that you can use the News Feed Targeting feature to really reach your target market.

This allows you to set audience demographics, interests, and exclusions.

By doing this, you can ensure that your posts will be relevant to readers and that they will find value in what you share.

In addition, you can also boost only your best posts to maximize engagement and give you value for your money.

Putting your best content forward can have an optimal impact to your Facebook Page traffic.

With 2.23 billion users who are actively using Facebook as of the second quarter of 2018, it is difficult to imagine individuals and organizations not having accounts and pages the vastly popular social media platform anymore.

If your business is one of the few who do not have a Facebook presence yet, you might have to re-think your online strategy as you may be leaving an untapped potential client base for your brand.

On the other hand, if you already have one, be sure to keep in mind these five ways to get more traffic to your Facebook Page.

Once you master the strategies listed above, you can be confident that your fans will eventually come pouring in.

Lastly, as much as possible, maintain personalized interactions with your audience.

The more they feel the human aspect of your Facebook page and sense that you as an organization empathize with them, the more they will stick around and patronize your content and your offerings!


In this post, I have mentioned 5 insanely actionable and result oriented approaches to get more traffic to your Facebook Page.

Now it is your turn to take action and get more traffic to your Facebook Page.

Finally, please share this post with your beloved ones. They will thank you later. It takes just a few seconds only.

Now, tell me what do you think about the ways mentioned here to get more traffic to your Facebook Page.

Or may be you already take a few different ways to get more traffic to your Facebook Page.

Either way, share your thoughts with me by leaving a quick comment below.

I’d love to hear from you and reply your comment personally.

This was a Guest Post by Jeroen van Gils.

If you also want to write for us, check out our Write for Us section for details.

Get More Traffic to Your Facebook Page FIC: Pixabay
Jeroen van Gils
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