How to Become an Ethical Blogger?

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In my previous post, I have discussed the ideology of Ethical Blogging.

Now the question is, “How to become an Ethical Blogger?

I shall answer this question in my best possible way in this post.

If you decided to be an Ethical Blogger, first of all, I would like to Congratulate you from the core of my heart.

Because it was NOT an easy decision.

I have prepared the following 4-Point Guideline to help you in your Ethical Blogging Journey.

Never Harm:

Yes. You read right. First thing first. As an Ethical Blogger, do not do anything harmful. As you probably know 


As an Ethical Blogger, you will soon start enjoying immense Influential Power.

So always try to keep the following in mind throughout your Journey of Ethical Blogging.

  • Do NOT share anything that can disturb anyone mentally or, physically.
  • Never support Intolerance and Racism.
  • Never use any Cheating Tactic to serve your purpose by fooling innocent people.

Remember, the Internet is full of Good and Bad.

You have chosen to be an Ethical Blogger to make the blogosphere even better.

Be Truthful with Facts and Figures:

As an Ethical Blogger, you are free to share your opinions and experiences with others in your own style.

But you are bound by your internal values and morals to be truthful with facts and figures.

As an Ethical Blogger, you must be realistic with the facts and figures you share with your fellow readers who are going to believe in your words blindly in most of the cases.

Keep the following points in mind for better dealing with the facts and figures you share with your loyal readers via your blog.

  • Always share your real experience in details without suppressing anything negative especially when you are reviewing a product or, service.
  • Try to make your opinions supported by the real facts as much as possible before sharing.
  • Never make any false claim.

If you continue to share nothing but the truth in your blog, you will not only gain the reputation and love from your readers, you will also generate higher revenue from your blog.

Use Disclaimers and Disclosures:

There must be one or, more motives behind each and every post you write for your blog.

You may write a post just to share something with your readers or, to earn some money by writing a sponsored post.

No matter what your motive behind a post is, your readers should know it.

Do not be afraid to use Disclaimers and Disclosures appropriately.

Simply put, you should keep the following in mind.

  • If you are writing a Sponsored Post, let your readers know.
  • If you are using an Affiliated Link, let your readers know.
  • If you are giving a Professional Advice, let your readers know about your expertise on that particular topic.

However, you may use those Disclosures and Disclaimers in each and every post you publish on your blog or, you can also use one or, more separate pages to serve the purpose.

For example, you can check the Disclosure and Disclaimer of this blog.

Give Proper Credit:

This one is last but not the least.

You should give proper credit to each and everyone who deserves.

For example, if you are using someone’s content or, photograph or, any intellectual property, you should take permission from that person before using the same and also give him or, her the proper credit for granting you the permission.

Hope you got my point.

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In the previous lines, I have shared my personal opinion about what it takes to be an Ethical Blogger and how to become an Ethical Blogger.

Now, it is your turn to ask the following questions to yourself.

“Am I an Ethical Blogger?”

“Do I have the Ethical Blogging Mindset?”

I expect the Positive Answers from you.

Please let me know what do you think about Ethical Blogging and when will you going to start working to become an Ethical Blogger by making a quick comment below.

Or, if you are stuck with blogging at any phase, just let me know what is stopping you from becoming a successful blogger.

I read and reply each and every comment personally.

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Become an Ethical Blogger FIC: Pixabay
Subhabrata Kasyapi

1 thought on “How to Become an Ethical Blogger?”

  1. I don’t know when, how or if do I have what it takes to be a good writer. I really want to write, its just that, I’m not good with it.


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